America – Stand Up For Our Future Generations

Americans need to continue voicing their opinions…if not for themselves, then do it for our future generations.
david-475776 The Obese 3 did go to the Financial Institutions that were Bailed Out, but were denied Loans due to Lack of Credibility. No viable Restructuring Plans. Especially, when the Financial Institutions found out that 20% of Budget was for “executive compensation opportunities”.
Also stated to Congress the “price tag” to implement their Restructuring Plans is 150 Billion USD after they submit their Restructuring Plans, March 2009.
And yes, this a Bailout not a Loan. Their Credit History indicates that ever since the 1970s they have defaulted on the Terms, Conditions, Agreements of all Loans. Even the one’s like changing from (US Only) SAE to (International) Metric so that they could save money by building only a International Standard model, instead of two models US Specification Model and International Model.
Additionally, that previous US Bailout have been used to “RETOOL” by building new Factories, Plants at Toluca, Mexico and Machau, China and everywhere except the US. While Closing US Plants/Factories.
Example: With Bailout, ask for 150 Billion USD to implement their Restructuring Plan. Close 1/3 US Factories/Plants, Layoff 1/3 US Work Force while retaining Mexican/Canadian/Chinese Plants/Factories and associated “Work Force”.
Please do not make this an “I TOLD YOU SO!” (Dec. 15)
They want a Bailout, OK:
Abolish NAFTA, CAFTA, AFTA, SAFTA, and tell the WTO go to hadies. And no more US funding to WTO.
Close all foreign plants/factories and bring them back to the United States of America.
Build one International model. No more International Models and US Only Specification Models.
Change to Metric as promised by previous US Bailouts.
Adhere to the Terms, Conditions, Agreements of previous US Bailouts. Since the 1970 Oil Crisis, no more BS excuses or Lobbying by Michigan Congressional Representatives.
Change the Quality Standard from the Fault Tolerance US Only Specification of .7mm to the International Fault Tolerance Standard of 0.5mm or less.
No more burying technology, example: cylindrical gear constant velocity transmission, enabling 80 miles per gallon, created by Engineering Students, Florida, shown and demonstrated to Congress, buried by FMC, 1970s.
No more Lobbyists that only reflect or benefit Corporate Policy and screw over US Citizens.
Buy American means exactly that: Parts, Made in the US by US Citizens, Cars and Trucks assembled by US Citizens in the US from those Parts. No more of this baloney parts Made In China, Mexico, China sent to the US for US Citizens to assemble, or preassemble cars or trucks being sent from a foreign sources to have one or two nuts, bolts or fastners made in china, claiming that they are Made In US.
Bruce F. David you’re my hero…. I couldn’t have said it any better. The problem with your logic, is that it’s logical, and after all, who listens to mere logic. The world would be a better place.

Fisherman144 The taxpayer DIDN’T authorize the bailout of the banks and brokerage houses, Congress did with the guidance of Henry Paulson – a man grown and breed by Wall St.. The banks have gotten money to help the foreclosure market, but they haven’t. They are keeping that money to shore up their own bottom lines. Wall St. not Main St. has been getting the bulk of the TARP money. We, the little guys on the street, have had nothing to say about it. $700 Billion of our money has been given away to self-serving institutions. Once again the taxpaying middle class is left holding the bag. Paulson is as bad as the greed of the Illinois Governor.
No, we should not bail out the auto makers. They will be back again and again with their hands out for more money. Let the bankruptcy begin and the Federal Court oversight may drive these guys into being responsible business owners. By the way, why shouldn’t the auto workers (union) be made to earn a salary in parody (the same as) the foreign auto workers right here in the U.S.?
Brian Schneck The fact as I see them… First the big three focused on the less fuel efficient gas hogs, the bigger the better. Second, the big three paid their shareholders and executives and did not save for a rainy day. Third, the big three has made junk the last 20 plus years. Why do you think imports are more popular? Finally, the UAW did not help. The unions demanded more and more but the big three were not selling the cars. How do they think they will get paid? Both the automakers and auto workers are responsible for the mess they are in. Neither thought about the big three’s future and survival until it was too late. Sadly unions have become as greedy and corrupt as the businesses they deal with. Corporate mismanagement and excessive union demands will lead to more failed businesses. We need reform for both businesses and unions whether they like it or not. Sorry, no $100 million pay for your CEO. … and no $30 an hour for a Union worker if the company is going under. Sorry, reality check.
America needs some COMMON SENSE. (All of Newsvine)