April 15th – Taxpayers

by Martin Weiss, PhD, Money and Markets

Tomorrow, April 15, 2009, thousands of Americans will make their voices heard at hundreds of Taxpayer Tea Parties from coast to coast.
I know — I’m taking an active part in them, joining Lou Dobbs, Newt Gingrich and others on a live nationwide broadcast.

Tomorrow, the media will highlight the protests in their headlines.
Nearly everywhere you look, you’ll see video and photos of angry taxpayers demanding that Washington stop bankrupting America … stop throwing our money at millionaire CEOs who destroyed their own companies.

But sadly, many of our leaders will simply ignore this one-day sensation — because they know a single day of protest is nowhere near enough to change things.
They think that the fateful day AFTER tomorrow — as these protests fade from the headlines — they’ll be able to just go back to business as usual, throwing trillions more of our dollars at failed bankers, brokers, insurers and automakers.

WE CANNOT ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN! To save our own financial futures, we must do everything in our power to make sure that tomorrow’s protests are only the beginning of a massive, nationwide grassroots movement to end these disastrous bailouts.

Only the persistent, undying voices of millions demanding change will stop Washington before it bankrupts America and destroys our children’s futures.

That’s why I’m in this fight for the long haul — and I’m not going to stop until these rich-man’s bailouts end.
And it’s also why I wrote The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide: Because if you wait for Washington to save you, you’re going to be waiting until Kingdom Come.
Today, I am intensifying our national grassroots campaign by asking you to stand with me — to make sure YOUR voice is heard loud and clear in Washington.

Here’s what I’m asking you to do — for yourself, your family, your community and our nation:

STEP #1 — GET YOUR FAMILY TO SAFETY: Click this link now to get your personal copy of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide and begin getting your family to safety. And while you’re ordering, don’t forget to get extra copies for your family, friends and neighbors — as well as one for your Congressional representatives and for President Obama.
Please remember: Your copies of The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide don’t have to cost you a dime. We’ll immediately send you a $29.95 credit voucher for EACH and EVERY book you buy, redeemable for any product or service Weiss Research offers.

And you can feel good about ordering, knowing that 100% of my royalties are being donated to the Campaign to End Child Homelessness, a national charity for the most innocent victims of this crisis.


>> Can NOT save these failed companies but only makes them dependent on Washington for the long haul …

>> Set the stage for soaring interest rates and higher taxes — pure poison that will surely kill our struggling economy, and …

>> Punish the innocent — you and me — by confiscating our money to reward the guilty corporations that caused this crisis.

I’m doing everything I can to bring America back from the brink — but I can NOT do this alone.

I need you to stand with me — to help me turn tomorrow’s Taxpayer Tea Parties into much more than a one-day event; to make them the beginning of a nationwide grassroots movement with the power to save our families, our businesses and our nation before it’s too late.

Money and Markets.com